


I develop all of my analog films, be it color or black & white.

For black & white I use a classical developing tank with appropriate reels (120, 4x5).

For color processing, I use a Durst Filmetta (aka Tetenal Colortec) allowing C41 and E6 (3 baths) processing. I bought the device (used) some 20 years ago and I really like it. It was outrageously expensive at the time but very useful. Mine was affordable (around 500 EUR) and works like a charm.

I recently adopted the Pyro developer and i am quite satisfied with it.

Scanning film

For scanning I mostly use EPSON scanners:

  1. EPSON 1640 SU Photo : this was my very first scanner, allowing for MF and 4x5 films
  2. EPSON V700 : no comment about this device, simply a great device
