35 mm compact cameras

35 mm compact cameras

I have always been fascinated by 35 mm compact cameras and, admittedly, I have far too many of them.


The nice things about these jewels are their compactness, easy of use as many are automatic and the quality of the images they can produce.

My favorites are:

  1. Yashica T4: quite expensive today, I have 3 of them and one zoom in addition. Image quality is quite high

  2. Olympus Miu2: I have used these cameras a lot, they also have the spot metering feature

  3. Ricoh 35R: this is a rather peculiar camera, produced in 1999 for creative users. It supports many manual functions and the image quality is decent

  4. Kiev Minox clone: this camera was bought in the now defunct Kiev arsenal shop when it was still open and running. Image quality is good and the camera has less features than the original Minox

  5. Canonet, Olympus Trip 35, Rollei 35: nice cameras that were competing hard during the analogue phase of photography

  6. Konica Big Mini: i used this camera a lot in bw for panoramic photos via digital stitching. Good lens and nice to use camera

    Having two identical cameras allowed me to load one in colour and the other in bw.
